Ministerial Gems
Here are some highlighted ministerial resources that can used to progress your personal development.
The greatest mystery of the gospel is that it is organic. Jesus desires that you first repent, believe the good news of the gospel, and be born again. Once you are born again, you must grow and care for that new life just as you would a plant. Fertilizer, water, and sunshine are all needed for a plant. Plug in and see what you need for the gospel to grow in you.
Join us every Sunday at 10:00am EST for a powerful message endeavoring to edify and spiritually mature you into the call God has placed on your life. Ever wonder why you were placed on this earth. God has a marvelous plan for you that He has already worked out. Just plug in and seek Him to find out.
In John 15, Jesus explains how He is the Vine and we, His people, are the branches. Jesus spoke in agricultural terms because it most closely related to the civilization He was dealing with. Therefore, this parable can be translated to technology terms to more closely related to this advanced generation. God desires to interface with you just like how a computer connects to a network (ie. internet). If God is the creator of all things, then how much could He accomplish through you if only you would just plug in?